This piece is a means to signify the convergence of AI technology and the modern world. The piece itself plays on the movie franchise ‘Terminator” with machines eventually taking the load off of human soldiers. Yet the question remains, “what would happen if this machinery was to become sentient?”. We unfortunately do not know the answer to this question but sci-fi films and fantasies help to paint a loose picture as to what would happen if AI war fighters were to turn rogue. By using a combination of royalty free video and glitch transitions we can see a disturbing sight as to what could happen if nuclear weapons were to fall into the hands of these rogue AI and the sheer destruction that would be produced from just a single blast. populations wiped out, within the blink of an eye. We could also look at this from the perspective of the good that would be brought if there was less human life lost in wars. Children could have fathers and mothers, husbands, wives and less PTSD in soldiers as well as a reduction in the loss of soldiers on home soil.
Convergence Gif by Cian Fanning is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
Cian Fanning is a student currently studying Creative Media within Dundalk Institute of Technology. A keen interest in photography is what led him to this course in the first place but in the second year of his degree found his focus drifting solely towards graphic design and marketing. From here he has began to work with different companies and athletes, helping to increase their presences in both an online and physical setting through the means of social media. Today, and in his final year of his degree, Cian is focusing on finishing his time at Dundalk on a high and producing the best work that he can within the time constraints of life from an educational, professional and sociable point of view.